Feeling The Pinch!

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Firstly, let me wish you a Happy New Year!

With the Christmas decorations packed away and the last remaining mince pies eaten, it’s probably a good time to focus on what the New Year has instore. looking at your finances and having an early spring clean may not seem like the most exciting thing to add to your New Year’s resolutions but it can yield huge benefits both mentally and physically.

With rising interest rates expected, many of us will feel the pinch just that little bit more this year, couple that with rising inflation and you have all the ingredients to make you feel your money isn’t stretching as far as it once was.

So what options do you have and what can you do about it?

Top Tips and Quick Wins:

  • Mortgages & Debt

Mortgages are generally one of the largest financial outgoings each month, if you are out of term this is simply a no brainer when it comes to switching products. There are still some great deals over both 2 and 5 years terms. This may also seem obvious, but if you have outstanding balances on old credit cards or loans, then its probably worth having a look at switching these over to products which have better rates. There are still many options that offer 0% on balance transfers, which could save you a tidy sum over the next few months


  • Protection & Insurance

It’s a competitive market out there and everyone wants a piece of your business. We often reassess our client’s needs, not just to make sure they have the right amount of cover in place, but also that the cover is still necessary.


  • Unutilised Subscriptions

Disney+ may have seemed like a great option during those long lock down months, but do you still use it? It’s surprising how many of us how unutilised subscriptions that we pay for on a monthly basis. Monthly subscriptions can mount up and if you are no longer using them, then it’s probably a good time to say goodbye.

As always, if you would like any advice based on your personal situation, please feel free to get in touch and good luck in trying to shave off those vital pounds, whether that’s at the gym or from your monthly outgoings.

Feeling the Pinch

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