
Exploring all the options to make your money work harder.
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Why Invest and where?

There are a number of solutions when it comes to investing money. From sustainable monthly amounts to lump sum investments, our team can guide you through all the options and analyse which products are most suitable for your needs, circumstances, budget and attitude to financial risk.

Investment ISA's

An ISA is a tax wrapper which keep the invested funds free of income tax and capital gains tax. Each individual has an ISA allowance each tax year. An Investment ISA allows you to invest in a range of assets including equities, fixed interest, collective investment funds and exchange traded funds.

investment bonds

Typically, Investment Bonds are available from a life insurance company.  Bonds can be invested  in a range of assets such as equities, fixed interest and property. Your return is dependant on the performance of your investments over time. Bonds generally fit into two main categories, onshore and offshore with the main difference being their tax treatment.

general investments

A General Investment Account allows you to hold investments outside of tax wrappers such as ISAs and pensions. There is no annual limit on how much you can contribute and you can invest in a range of assets. General Investment Accounts are liable to income, dividend and capital gains tax if you exceed the annual personal limits.

Stocks, shares and portfolios – What does it all mean to you?

Investors looking to grow their capital over time should first consider their attitude to investment risk. Markets fluctuate, so, it’s imperative to understand that your investments can go both up and down. Understanding why you’re investing and what your investing for is a great way to determine which type of investment is better suited to your situation.




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Cash is usually seen as relatively safe, however, interest rates are currently very low and inflation has risen sharply since the start of 2022. In real terms, this means cash savings are losing money. Cash can be king when it comes to short-term savings and availability but it’s generally not the best option for long-term investment.

Fixed interest

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Fixed interest is where the funds you invest in make a loan, either to a Government or company, for an agreed rate of interest until the end of the loan. The benefits include a set rate of income until the loan is repaid. Although deemed as low risk, there is always the prospect of the borrower defaulting. Loans to the UK Government are known as ‘gilts’ and loans to companies are usually known as ‘corporate bonds’.


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Equities are another name for shares issued by companies. They give the shareholder a stake in the ownership of a company which based on profitable performance can pay dividends. You have the options to invest directly in one company, or you can invest in equities through a fund managed by an investment manager. The perceived benefit of equities is that they have historically delivered good returns over the years above other asset classes such as cash and fixed interest?. The disadvantage of equities is that their price is volatile and the value can go up or down regularly.


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A popular choice for investment. Property has grown in demand over the past 20 years as prices on both residential and commercial have shot up. Away from the buy-to-let markets, most investors in property do so through a fund managed by an investment manager, typically they look to invest in a large number of commercial properties reducing the risk through diversification. The downsides of property investment are liquidity, if you like the thought of having access to your money quickly, then this may not be the right solution for you.

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For further information about how to Invest, please get in touch!